I read an article last week, as a female entrepreneur about the importance of creating your own ‘dream team’. So what does that mean? In the world of a female entrepreneur we are encouraged to create a dream team that comes together to provide us with the necessary skills set to create the best environment to flourish as a female entrepreneur.
So it got me thinking:
What if….as a woman (not just an entrepreneur)…… you could create your own dream team?
What if I said to you that as a woman you could create a ‘dream team’ that would help you be the very best version of you that there was? And that version of you would be able to better serve your family? Your partner? Your husband? Your career? Or your future partner? And ultimately you as a person and open up opportunities and doors to your own life goals and aspirations?
What if you were in total control of creating this ‘dream team’?
How super exciting that you can create whatever and whoever you want to be on your dream team.
Here is what you do:
Write down the Top 5 core values in life that are important to you:
It could be inspiration, creativity, business focused, financial stability or challenge you as a person.
Now list the Top 5 people that you spend the most amount of time with, do they fit into these core values? If they do, fantastic! If they don’t, that’s ok too. It just means that you have new positions to fill on your dream team. I’m not saying that you suddenly have to ditch your best friend or closest friend, what I’m asking you to do is to recognise that those core values are important to you and you can fill these positions on your very own dream team with people in your life or new people in your life.
I’ll give you an example:
My best friend and I have been friends for 20 years, we went to school together and our relationship has lasted through our HSC, uni, overseas trips, living in different countries, breakups, marriage and children. She is always the person I can count on to have a rant and rave about life. She filled that role on my dream team. More recently though, our relationship has evolved and now I’m excited that she is also my business brain-stormer. We get together and brainstorm together and help create solutions for each other’s businesses.
So, what I’m saying to you, is that you don’t always need to find new friends to be on your dream team, sometimes they can step into this new role.
Our journey as a Woman is forever changing so you will find that your dream team changes along the way. Same as you might be part of another Woman’s dream team at one point and then move away from that role and into something else.
So, I challenge you to ask yourself, what values do you need on your dream team to feel complete at this very point in time.
What are the 5 core values that you want to fulfil on your very own dream team to challenge you to get from where you are now to where you want to be? Do the current people in your life fulfil these roles? It’s ok if they don’t, they may fill other roles in your life or they may have fulfilled a role that you needed 12 months ago. I’m not saying that you need to let them go…I’m just asking you to be real and true to yourself and ask yourself, what values are you currently looking for right now, in this very moment to fulfil on your dream team and who will you get to fulfil them?
The reasons I wanted to share this with you is to help you fulfil your dream team and to enable you to become the best version of you that there is.
I’d love to hear, who is on your dream team and how they have a positive impact on your life.
Happy Dream Team hunting!
Inspired Health by Dee
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