Should you do a Spring Detox?

Have you been eyeing off the latest detox and cleanse options at the local pharmacy?

Unsure about which one to buy? Or can you do it just with food? In this article, I go into more depth about detoxes and can they work for you.

Why most detox programs are rubbish.

Most qualified health practitioners are very skeptical of most detox programs available on the market. Here are a few reasons why:

They neglect the power of food as medicine

Detox programs are usually product-based – and expensive products at that. They will either neglect the diet entirely, or give you a bland, generic meal plan.

But some of the best ways to support your body’s detox processes can be found in the supermarket! Foods like berries, green leafy vegetables, herbs and spices are just some examples. There is no such thing as a supplement deficiency – only a nutrient deficiency.

They aren’t personalised to you

Everyone has different nutritional needs, different preferences for foods and a different lifestyle. It might not be feasible for you to live off shakes for a week if you live an active lifestyle, or juice every 3 hours if you’re a working professional. Any change to your diet – short-term or long-term – should be tailored to suit you.

They are a quick fix

Very few programs will help you transition to a balanced diet that suits your body. Most are a few weeks long, then you go back to your usual eating pattern. If you do lose weight, it usually piles right back on.

How your body’s detoxification system actually works

Your liver does the bulk of the detoxification work. Here, there are two main phases that take place. Phase 1 converts potentially problematic chemicals into intermediate compounds. Phase 2 then converts these compounds into water-soluble waste products for the body to excrete.

It’s important that phase 2 occurs, as the intermediate compounds can be quite toxic and reactive. It is this phase that many practitioners will focus on when supporting natural detoxification.

Does your body really need to detoxify?

Your elimination channels include sweat, urine and faeces. The body will dump waste products into one or more of these channels to eliminate them.

Easy tips to support your detox pathways

Want to give your liver some love without wasting your money on expensive supplements that don’t work? Here are some simple ways to support your detox pathways naturally.

Drink plenty of water

Water is essential for almost every process in the body, including detoxification. It makes up the fluid that runs through the elimination channels and lymphatic system. So if you’ve been a bit slack with your water intake, now is your chance to boost it back up. Read more on tips to boost your water intake

Eat more greens

Vegetables are detoxification superstars, and greens are some of the best out there. So find some way to include more green in your daily diet. Make green leafy vegetables the base of your plate, and build your meal around that. Snack on celery and cucumber sticks with your dip of choice. (I love them with hummous). You can even add greens to a smoothie or omelette with breakfast.

Don’t forget your protein

Many of the processes in phase 2 detox rely on amino acids, which are the building blocks found in protein. So make sure you’re including quality sources of protein with each meal. Grass-fed meat, free range chicken and eggs, fish, shellfish, legumes, beans and pseudo grains like quinoa are a few options to include. If you’re unsure if you’re eating enough protein, then read more here…. Are you getting enough Protein?


If this seems too overwhelming then we can work together on a Detox Plan tailored for you. Some people require more food support, other require more liver or gut support, it all depends specifically on your symptoms and requirements.

Want to head into the busy Christmas and festive season with tools that help you feel energised, fit and ready? Book Now.

4 Week Detox Program

Available now.

What does it include?

  • Initial Naturopathic consult to determine the specific type of Detox required specifically for you.
  • Individualised Analysis of your daily intake of food.
  • Personalised supplement recommendations to support your body through your detox.
  • Recipes and email support
  • 2 x 45 minute follow-up consultations

Total Cost: $350

  • Health Fund rebates are available.

Call me, Denise for more information 0401 366 796 or Book now on the online calendar