Induces Calm & Soothes Digestion

During my first ever herbal medicine class at Naturopathy College we were given the assignment of choosing a herb and taking that herb for a few weeks and then documenting the results. I chose Chamomile Tea. Doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary right?…….Here’s the thing……Up until this point I had never used herbal medicines or drunk herbal tea!

Some naturopaths study to become naturopaths because of their own experience with naturopaths or due to their love of herbs……I become a naturopath as an add-on to my personal training business so I was much more interested in the nutrition and supplement for performance side of things and had never taken a herbal mix and never tried herbal tea.

After a week of drinking a cup of Organic Chamomile Tea a day, I was hooked! I loved the calm, warm and fuzzy feeling that Chamomile Tea gave me and I was definitely calmer and sleeping better. To this day it is still one of my favourite herbs and the main reason why it features in a number of my own herbal tea blends available in my Tea Shop on the website.

Chamomile is a popular tea that comes from the daisy like flowers of the Asteraceae family. Traditionally, it has been used for centuries by many cultures.

Why you can love Chamomile Tea.

Chamomile is a lovely everyday Tea due to its carminative, nervine, sedative and anti-spasmodic properties. Particularly good before bed to calm busy, stressed and tired minds. It is generally safe for use for most people, except for those who have allergic reactions to plants in the daisy family.

How to brew the perfect cup of Chamomile Tea

Choose either a Teapot for multiple cups of Tea or a cup and infuser.

Boil the kettle.

For every cup of Tea you would like to make, put 1 Teaspoon of Chamomile flowers into a Tea Pot or Infuser.

Put a lid on the Tea, allow to infuse for 5 minutes.


For added flavour add a dash of honey or mint leaves or alternatively enjoy a blend with Chamomile including my Calm Organic Tea or Chillout Organic Tea. Visit my Tea Shop.

Dee x