Nutrition Changes that may help Endometriosis & Weightloss. Living with endometriosis can be hard. Losing weight with Endometriosis can also be hard.
How to lose weight with Endometriosis? Start with nutrition and improving oestrogen metabolism.
If you are lacking in certain nutrients in your diet, then it makes it hard to metabolise oestrogen.
These 9 nutritional changes that may help Endometriosis and Weightloss:
#1: Salmon & Oily Fish
The omega-3 fats, found in fish, help the body eliminate oestrogen safely. Fish oil also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation with endometriosis is one of the reasons that it is so hard to lose weight.
Tip: Taking a high quality fish oil supplement may help. Not all fish oil supplements are equal though.
#2: High Fibre Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits such as berries and spinach that contain fibre, help reduce the amount of an enzyme called B-glucouronidase. B-glucoronidase breaks apart bound oestrogen that is on its way out of the body. If this happens oestrogen will re-enter circulation and may have an effect on endometriosis.
Tip: Ensure berries and spinach are organic.
#3: Broccoli & Other Cruciferous Vegetables.
The cruciferous vegetables have compounds glucoraphanin and di-indolymethane (DIM) that promote oestrogen elimination via the C-2 pathway. Found in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy.
#4: Tart cherries.
Tart Cherries are rich in phytonutrients, that help protect the body from inflammation. They raise levels of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which blocks aromatase. Aromatase is the enzyme that turns testosterone into oestrogen.
Tip: Tart cherry juice can be bought at the health food store.
#5: Lemon & Citrus Fruits.
Lemon and other citrus fruits are good for a number of reasons:
– High in anti-oxidants that protect against oestrogen damage.
– Rich in fibre, which is beneficial for gut function.
– They contain limonene, which increases liver enzymes. This means the liver functions better at metabolising and removing oestrogen.
#6: Yoghurt & Fermented Foods.
Foods that contain healthy probiotics can help maintain a balanced microbiome. A healthy microbiome means less inflammation and therefore easier to lose weight with endometriosis and a reduction in pain.
Tip: Eat coconut yoghurt, sauerkraut, pickled ginger, kim chi, miso, and other fermented foods.
#7: Green Tea
Green Tea has a powerful anti-aromatase action. Without aromatase, less oestrogen is synthesized from testosterone.
#8 Fibre
Fibre helps the body get rid of excess estrogens by binding them to waste-carrying bile and removing them through the digestive tract. Include chia seeds, flaxseed meal and psyllium husk.
Tip: Add these to your coconut yoghurt or plant based protein shake.
#9: High Protein Foods
High protein foods such as fish, beans, and eggs also contain the amino acids lysine and threonine. These amino acids help support liver function, the organ that helps eliminate oestrogen from the body.
Start with incorporating these 9 foods into your diet as these nutritional changes may help with endometriosis and weight loss and put you on track to helping your body metabolise oestrogen.
To book a Discovery Call with me and chat about how I can help you get started in your Endometriosis & Weight Loss Journey Click here.
If you are ready to get started then here is the link to book straight into a Initial Consultation for the Gut Restore Program. This Program addresses the inflammation side of the Endometriosis. Click Here to Book.
If you are just at the start of your journey and would like more information about Gut Health then here is the link to download my Endo Gut Health book which explains a little of the link of Endometriosis & the Gut Health as well as some yummy recipes!
Dee x
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