With Nutrition and Endometriosis, most of us know we need to eat better to feel better and to reduce pain. Not sure what to eat with Endometriosis and Diet? Nutrition is always the first thing I take into consideration (along with gut health!) when I’m working with a new endometriosis client.


Where to start?


Nutrition is confusing. There is so much information available online that we can feel overwhelmed. How do you work out which ‘diet’ suits you best? Do diets work for your friend, sister or work colleague? But don’t work for you? They lose weight but you don’t? Are you overwhelmed with changing your diet? But the thought seems so overwhelming when you are already in pain, feeling stressed and trying to cope with endometriosis? Are you busy and need meals in a hurry, or are cooking for a family?


I have introduced a new and exciting way to make Healthy Eating for Endometriosis not only possible, but enjoyable!


Back to Basics.


It’s no secret that home-prepared meals are healthier (and usually cheaper!) than those you buy out. Eating real food is one of the quickest ways to start to feel better and to reduce inflammation in the body.  Meal plans show you how simple (and quick) creating real food meals can be.


The benefits of having a Personalised Plan:


I’m a qualified naturopath and personal trainer and can create custom meal plans to suit you. A personalised plan guides you on what to cook, what to buy and how to prepare meals and snacks. The personalised plan factors in the nutritional foundations of managing endometriosis. It also works towards your health and fitness goals; losing weight or gaining weight. Meal plans also provide you with extra ideas that can inspire your own creativity with your food! A meal plan is not just a list of foods to eat, or foods to avoid, nor is it a bunch of random recipes. It’s a structured plan to guide you on the way of managing inflammation and endometriosis from a nutritional perspective.


You can get meal plans online. However, these don’t take into consideration Endometriosis as well as your health and fitness goals. A weight loss diet may not work for Endometriosis. (Which is why it works for others and not you). An Endometriosis diet may work for Endo but not for weight loss. When I create a meal plan, it’s all about fresh foods and takes into consideration endometriosis and your health and fitness goals.


It’s not about being perfect all the time…


You don’t need to follow them 100%. They are a guide towards creating new habits. It’s all about learning and embracing the possibilities of yummy foods to help manage endometriosis and work towards your goals.




Meal planning is available on it’s own or included in my endometriosis naturopathic consultations.

Book a 20 minute Endometriosis Diet Planning call. During this call I will ask you a few questions, then send you the Questionnaires to fill out. Then I will create your plan and send it to you.


To book a Discovery Call with me and chat about how I can help you get started in your Endometriosis Plan. Click here. 

If you are ready to get started then here is the link to book straight into a Initial Consultation for the Gut Restore Program. This is a 6-8 week Program that addresses the inflammation side of the Endometriosis. Click Here to Book.

If you are just at the start of your journey and would like more information about Gut Health then here is the link to download my Endo Gut Health book which explains a little of the link of Endometriosis & the Gut Health as well as some yummy recipes!
