Weight Gain is a Symptom
At this time of year, many of us become obsessed with losing that extra jiggle. But there is more maintaining a healthy weight than the old ‘energy in, energy out’ balance. If you’ve found dropping excess weight is more of a struggle than in the past, there might be more to the weight than that sneaky block of chocolate each week.
Let’s look at some of the ways that weight gain can be a symptom of a problem, rather than just a problem in itself.
Weight gain and Thyroid Health
One of the main links with weight gain is thyroid function. The thyroid is like the master gland of your body, running your metabolism. If your thyroid isn’t happy, your weight could fluctuate rapidly. You might also experience symptoms such as:
- Low energy
- Low mood/depression
- Intolerance to cold
- Dry skin
- Course, dry hair
- Hair loss
- Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
- Constipation
Chris Kresser on his website mentioned that ‘1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disease in their lifetime and the number continues to rise. The bigger problem is that 60% of these people are completely unaware of their condition….let alone how to deal with it.’ Chris Kresser.
If you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms and/or you have trouble losing weight then it’s a good idea to have your thyroid investigated. In my Health clinic this can be done with a full case history and with specific pathology and we can address your thyroid alongside in your fat loss plan.
Weight Gain and Stress
Everyone experiences some form of stress from time to time. But chronic stress can take its toll on the adrenal glands that produce your stress hormones.
Stress can deplete nutrients that are vital for energy and metabolism. Elevated stress hormone levels can also interact with thyroid function and sex hormone production. These factors all add up to difficulty with losing weight and even weight gain. Typically stress related fat tends to pile on around the mid-section or belly area. If you have this type of fat then it’s important to address your stress and put in place an adrenal support and stress reduction plan. We can do this in clinic. Book in now for a discovery call.
Weight Gain and Hormone Balance
Despite what many people assume, our sex hormones are not just about making babies. Balanced sex hormones play a supportive role with other factors such as bone density and skin health. They can also affect how we hold weight, particularly fatty tissue.
Different sex hormone imbalances can lead to weight gain, particularly high testosterone and high oestrogen. Diseases such as endometriosis, which I am passionate about helping women with, can make it hard to lose fat.
Signs of hormone imbalances can include:
- Irregular or painful periods
- Painful sex
- Migraines
- Pain during ovulation
- Changes in body hair growth/distribution
- Skin problems including dry skin and breakouts or hormonal acne
- Pre-menstrual symptoms such as mood swings and cravings
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and has a diagnosis time of 7-10 years. Many women don’t know they have it or have been dismissed by doctors saying period pain is normal. It’s not and should be investigated. Endometriosis leads to a number of symptoms and personally, in my own life and also seeing patients for endometriosis…..weight gain and having difficulty losing weight can both be symptoms of hormonal imbalances or endometriosis.
Weight Gain and Blood Sugar Regulation
Have you ever eaten a sweet treat, and had an almost instant rush? Then within the hour, you felt your energy drop back down? This is blood sugar regulation at work.
Blood sugar is your source of instant energy for things like exercise and even brain function. A steady level of blood sugar is best, as it keeps you going at a steady pace throughout the day, but problems with blood sugar regulation can lead to weight gain.
It can also be a chicken-or-egg scenario between blood sugar levels and weight gain, as weight gain can lead to issues such as insulin resistance, but insulin resistance makes it harder to lose or even maintain weight.
Blood sugar dysregulation may have no obvious symptoms. But you may notice things like:
- Feeling hungry even after a meal
- More frequent urination that is not related to fluid intake
- Fatigue
- Increased thirst for no apparent reason
- Weight gain around the mid-section or the ‘muffin top’ area.
The good news is that all of these factors can be supported with proper nutrition and lifestyle advice that is tailored to your specific needs.
- If you’re ready to explore healthy weight loss, The Inspired Healthy Weight Program is for you. The program offers flexibility with two healthy, wholefood eating plans for you to choose from and can be completed in our Health clinic location at Marrickville, Online or Outdoors in Nature at Annandale. Patients who have participated in this program have safely lost fat mass, reduced weight, and improved their energy levels while preserving their muscle mass.
To find out more information about the Inspired Healthy Weight Program Click here.
Or to book your Spot, click on the location that suits you best, Marrickville, Online or Annandale Outdoor:
Inspired Healthy Weight Program – Online. Click here.
Inspired Healthy Weight Program – Marrickville Clinic Location. Click Here.
Inspired Healthy Weight Program – Annandale Outdoor. Click Here.
Dee x
Great post! This definitely gave me a better understanding about weight gain. Thanks a lot for posting!