Liver Loving Tips for the Holiday Season
As the end of the year draws near, more of us are heading to Christmas parties and work events. But if you’re drinking more alcohol than usual, you might want to think about ways to support your liver.
It’s true that your body detoxifies itself, using the liver and other supporting organs. But if we overload the liver, it can slow down the process and cause issues. Migraines, poor digestion and feeling sluggish are all signs your liver is telling you that it needs some support.
Here are some simple suggestions to support your natural detoxification pathways using food.
Add bitter foods
Another way to maximise waste excretion through bile is to include bitter foods. Bitter foods can stimulate the flow of bile. Combined with high fibre foods, improving bile flow can remove waste, as well as supporting the digestive process.
Some bitter options include:
- Lemon juice
- Apple cider vinegar
- Green tea
- Leafy greens such as rocket and endive
- Citrus fruits
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower
See my simple Apple Cider Vinegar Salad dressing here.
Go for high fibre options
One of the ways that the liver eliminates waste is through the bile. Bile is excreted into the digestive tract, where it binds to fibre and transported out of the body. But if there isn’t enough fibre to bind with the bile, toxic substances could be reabsorbed into the body and back to the liver again.
Make sure you’re choosing a high-fibre food at each meal. Some good options include:
- Fruits such as raspberries, pear with skin, apple with skin, banana, orange, strawberries, dried figs and raisins.
- Vegetables such as artichoke, green peas, broccoli, turnip greens, Brussel sprouts, sweet corn, potato with skin, carrots.
- Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pistachios, pecans and hemp seeds.
- Many of these high-fibre foods also contain antioxidants, which play a protective role throughout the detoxification process. So you’re getting a two-for-one deal!
Up your Cruciferous Veggies
One of the best things you can do for your liver health is to include a serve of cruciferous veggies each day. Early research suggests that cruciferous vegetables like Brussel sprouts and broccoli can support liver enzymes and protect the liver from damage.
Cruciferous vegetables include:
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Brussel sprouts
- Cabbage
Stay hydrated
Without water, none of our organs can function. The liver is no exception to this rule. Being hydrated supports the elimination of waste products out of the body. Need help with boosting your water intake? Read more here Easy ways to boost your water intake.
So if you want to show your liver some love, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water over the holidays. You can also choose to eat hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables to boost your water intake.
Want more tips about how to love your liver, stay healthy and still enjoy life? 4 Week Detox Package available now in our Health Clinic at Marrickville Book Now.
Or read more on our Blog Should you do a Spring Detox?
Dee x
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